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Our Programs

Black's Academy of Excellence

Welcome to our Programs page! Here, you'll find a comprehensive list of the various programs we offer to help at-risk young adults become self-sufficient, employable, and even entrepreneurs. Our holistic approach to education includes a range of fields such as Sustainable Agriculture, Creative Activities, Introduction to Hospitality, Horticulture, and First Aid/CPR and Child Development. Our goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where our students can learn and grow, while also building their confidence and leadership skills through mentoring and community service opportunities. Browse our programs below to see how we can help you or someone you know thrive.


Fish Farming

Fishing Package: The per-person rate is $12
Fishing Supply Package $14.99


Culinary Arts

Package: The per-person rate is $20
Classroom Kit Varies by Course

First Aid for a broken arm

Resume Writing and
First Aid/CPR

Cost determined by class size and materials needed


Bee Keeping

Basic Beginners Class: The per-person rate is $29.50



Gardening Crops (fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants)
Package: The per-person rate is $25 (18 & under) Growing Flowers Classroom Kit $37.99


Creative Arts

Package: The per-person rate is $29.50
Classroom Kit Varies by Course

Register for our program or learn more

43055 N. Delaney Rd. Zion, IL 60099

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